Free CEUs for Respiratory Therapists
The CME & Contact Hours You Need Today for RT License Renewal
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The CME & Contact Hours You Need Today for RT License Renewal
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WELCOME! We are proud to sponsor this educational initiative, dedicated to providing free Respiratory Therapy CEUs required by many state boards for Respiratory Therapist, RT license renewal. Check back often- new free Respiratory Therapy CEU courses offering free RT CEUs are posted frequently. Through extensive content review, our staff approves Respiratory CEU courses that are timely and approved for AART, AARC, or AMA Credit..
ALL CEU, CME & contact hour offerings are FREE! |
Select a course by clicking the title. Courses or fees may have changed on provider’s websites since their posting here. Always check the provider’s website for accreditation information, terms and conditions of courses offered. Courses listed here are not the property of FreeCME4Me, nor do we offer any courses & are not responsible for the those posted on this site
To check Respiratory Therapy CRCE requirements by STATE CLICK HERE!
Asthma Management Program– Facts about Asthma. Myths about Asthma. Assessment and Monitoring. Diagnosis and Severity of Asthma. Measurement of Lung Function Control of Environmental Factors. Environmental Allergens. Irritants and other factors. Pharmacologic Management, Pathophysiology. Bronchodialator medication. Anti-inflammatory medication. Patient Education. Partnership with the patient. Inhaler & Peak Flow Meter technique. 7.0 Free CEUs Pediatric Tracheostomy and use of the Passy Muir Valve– Identify the timing and indications of pediatric tracheostomy. Review the physiological impact of tracheostomy on development and the positive impact of the Passy-Muir valve on functions of the upper airway. Present specific evaluation and treatment techniques with case studies and video samples. Collaborate with family and appropriate clinical team members for optimal treatment. Identify resources related to tracheostomy. 1.0 Free CEUs |
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Featured Free CME of the Month NEW! Alveolar Microstrain & Stress- Review the impact of different mechanical ventilation strategies on the micro-environment.. Recognize the discrepancy between macro-ventilation and micro-ventilation. Reconsider our understanding of ventilator induced lung injury. 1.0 Free CEUs
Rationales and Applications for Capnography Monitoring During Conscious Sedation- Explore drivers of change for basic anesthetic monitoring. Discuss capnography as a strategy for promotion of patient safety. Evaluate barriers to implementation of capnographic monitoring. 2.0 Free CEUs
High Flow Specialty Gas Delivery– Define HFT and how can it can be accomplished with a nasal cannula. Explain how the dynamics of flow through the nasopharynx improve respiratory efficiency and support work of breathing. Explain the properties of Heliox gas mixture, and how it is beneficial by induction into high flow therapy. Understand the how the characteristics of HFT facilitate the breathing of heliox via a nasal cannula. Understand the patient population that can benefit from heliox HFT. 1.0 Free CEUs High Flow Therapy: Mechanisms of Action– Understand the reason for limiting conventional nasal cannula therapy to low flows. Define High Flow Therapy & how it can be accomplished with a nasal cannula. Explain how the dynamics of flow through the nasopharynx improve respiratory efficiency & support work of breathing. Explain how gas delivered at body temperature & saturated promotes better respiratory mechanics & decreases energy of gas conditioning. 1.0 Free CEUs Strategies to Prevent and Control Multidrug-Resistant Organisms– Discuss the emergence and spread of MRSA, VRE, and KPCs. Describe the challenges of management of multidrug-resistant organisms in the healthcare setting. Assess the process for implementatiion of CDC/HICPAC recommendations to prevent transmission of MDROs in your healthcare setting. 1.0 Free CEUs Register for course |
Courses featured in Clinical Foundations– A Patient-focused Education Program for Respiratory Therapists. (Note: CRCE expiration dates on the linked articles tend to be inaccurate, many of the educational offerings are extended past the original exp date. As long as the test is still available, you will be able to take it and print your certificate immediately. We update & remove expired courses or add new ones monthly).
Humidification During Invasive and Noninvasive Ventilation– Humidification of inspired gases is a standard of care for patients receiving mechanical ventilation. However, several challenges exist regarding optimal delivery of humidification in the ventilated patient that include the type of humidification device used and issues external to the humidifier’s function. This review focuses on a number of frequently encountered situations that affect humidification in the clinical setting during the administration of invasive and noninvasive ventilation (NIV). 2.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-Test (Issue 16)
Waste Anesthetic Gases (WAGs) among Employees in the Healthcare Industry–WAGs in health care environments have been associated with adverse health outcomes in unscavenged situations. This course presents a brief overview of WAGs in the healthcare industry, with a focus on healthcare personnel in the PACU. Recent exposure and risk assessment studies using IR thermography cameras and IR sensors to identify and quantify WAG (i.e., N20) exposures among PACU employees are pointing toward an unidentified and relatively new health exposure concern for these employees. 2.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-Test (Issue 15)
Humidification During Non-Invasive Ventilation– Questions addressed include whether short-term humidification during NIV can be used in the emergency room, issues to consider when using an artificial nose during NIV, pros and cons of using a heat and moisture exchanger or a heated humidifier during NIV, potential physiological irregularities that can arise during NIV without humidification, and assessment of success. 2.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-Test (Issue 10)
Protecting the Ventilated Patient from Hospital-Acquired Infections– Discuss the impact of HAI on health care cost and outcomes. Describe criteria to diagnosis VAP and define VAC, & IVAC. Discuss strategies to minimize HAI in MV patients and their associated evidence. 1.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-test (Webinar 2)
Humidification During Invasive and Noninvasive Ventilation– Humidification of inspired gases is a standard of care for patients receiving mechanical ventilation. However, several challenges exist regarding optimal delivery of humidification in the ventilated patient that include the type of humidification device used and issues external to the humidifier’s function. This review focuses on a number of frequently encountered situations that affect humidification in the clinical setting during the administration of invasive and noninvasive ventilation (NIV). 2.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-Test (Issue 16)
Waste Anesthetic Gases (WAGs) among Employees in the Healthcare Industry–WAGs in health care environments have been associated with adverse health outcomes in unscavenged situations. This course presents a brief overview of WAGs in the healthcare industry, with a focus on healthcare personnel in the PACU. Recent exposure and risk assessment studies using IR thermography cameras and IR sensors to identify and quantify WAG (i.e., N20) exposures among PACU employees are pointing toward an unidentified and relatively new health exposure concern for these employees. 2.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-Test (Issue 15)
Humidification During Non-Invasive Ventilation– Questions addressed include whether short-term humidification during NIV can be used in the emergency room, issues to consider when using an artificial nose during NIV, pros and cons of using a heat and moisture exchanger or a heated humidifier during NIV, potential physiological irregularities that can arise during NIV without humidification, and assessment of success. 2.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-Test (Issue 10)
Protecting the Ventilated Patient from Hospital-Acquired Infections– Discuss the impact of HAI on health care cost and outcomes. Describe criteria to diagnosis VAP and define VAC, & IVAC. Discuss strategies to minimize HAI in MV patients and their associated evidence. 1.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-test (Webinar 2)
Fighting VAP One Step at a Time: Early Mobility for the Ventilated Patient/Tracheostomy: Do We Need to be Concerned About the Complications? –Compare the evidence supporting the bundle elements recommended for reducing VAP in the ICU patient. Describe the modalities referred to as early mobilization. Discuss early versus late complications. Describe methods to secure a tracheostomy tube. Discuss how morbid obesity increases the risk of accidental cannulation. 2.0 Free CEUs Link to Post test (Vol 10/ No. 2)
Patient-Ventilator Synchrony wtih NIV-What, Why, and How to deal with it?–Patient-ventilator asynchrony occurs commonly during noninvasive mechanical ventilation and interferes with effective delivery as well as safety. You will be able to determine which key strategies will help avoid asynchrony and provide successful noninvasive ventilation for your patients. 1.0 Free CEUs
Strategies to Prevent and Control Multidrug-Resistant Organisms– Discuss the emergence and spread of MRSA, VRE, and KPCs. Describe the challenges of management of multidrug-resistant organisms in the healthcare setting. Assess the process for implementatiion of CDC/HICPAC recommendations to prevent transmission of MDROs in your healthcare setting. 1.0 Free CEUs Register for course
Challenges in Ventilation of Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) Infants- Reviews ventilation challenges with extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. Current ventilation practices, devices and review of the literature. Clinical cases and management of ELBW infants. 1.0 Free CEUs
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia/Care of Tracehostomy Tubes and Trach Patients– Covers trach care, strategies to minimize morbidity and mortality in this patient population, patient and family education, and decisions regarding weaning and decannulation. Differences in adult versus pediatric populations are also highlighted. Discuss the different impact that early versus late tracheostomy has on outcomes on medical compared to surgical/trauma patients. List 4 reasons that a study may not show improved outcomes with early versus later tracheostomy. List the elements of the “ventilator bundle” and suggest at least three other clinician actions that can influence the development of VAP. 1.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-test (Vol 9. No. 3)
Patient-Ventilator Synchrony wtih NIV-What, Why, and How to deal with it?–Patient-ventilator asynchrony occurs commonly during noninvasive mechanical ventilation and interferes with effective delivery as well as safety. You will be able to determine which key strategies will help avoid asynchrony and provide successful noninvasive ventilation for your patients. 1.0 Free CEUs
Strategies to Prevent and Control Multidrug-Resistant Organisms– Discuss the emergence and spread of MRSA, VRE, and KPCs. Describe the challenges of management of multidrug-resistant organisms in the healthcare setting. Assess the process for implementatiion of CDC/HICPAC recommendations to prevent transmission of MDROs in your healthcare setting. 1.0 Free CEUs Register for course
Challenges in Ventilation of Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) Infants- Reviews ventilation challenges with extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants. Current ventilation practices, devices and review of the literature. Clinical cases and management of ELBW infants. 1.0 Free CEUs
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia/Care of Tracehostomy Tubes and Trach Patients– Covers trach care, strategies to minimize morbidity and mortality in this patient population, patient and family education, and decisions regarding weaning and decannulation. Differences in adult versus pediatric populations are also highlighted. Discuss the different impact that early versus late tracheostomy has on outcomes on medical compared to surgical/trauma patients. List 4 reasons that a study may not show improved outcomes with early versus later tracheostomy. List the elements of the “ventilator bundle” and suggest at least three other clinician actions that can influence the development of VAP. 1.0 Free CEUs Link to Post-test (Vol 9. No. 3)
Capnography: Principles and Application -Describe the advantages of mainstream vs. sidestream CO2 technology. Discuss normal and abnormal ventilation/perfusion relationships. Identify and discuss the phases of a normal capnogram. Discuss the ETCO2/PaCO2 gradient and its clinical application. Interpret abnormal capnograms and clinical interventions. 1.0 Free CEUs
The New Clostridium difficile: Pathogenicity, Complications, and Prevention- Identify conditions that make C diff a successful pathogen. List complications associated with infections (CDI). Discuss reservoirs for nosocomial transmission. Describe best practices for transmission prevention. 1.0 Free CEUs
CDC Recommendations on Preventing VAP- Addresses the CDC recommendations for the known modifiable risk factorsfor VAP, back rest elevation, maintaining endotracheal tube cuff pressure, selection of endotracheal tube and placement, ventilator circuit care, de-contamination of oral flora, and minimizing sedation in the mechanically ventilated patient. Discuss the pathogenesis of VAP (Ventilator-associated Pneumonia). Describe the economic impact of diagnosing VAP in a patient. Identify the CDC recommended methods of VAP prevention. 2.0 Free CEUs
Roadmap to HAP & VAP: Neglecting Oral Care- Discuss prevalence and consequences of HAP & VAP. Describe how the mouths of critically ill patients undergo radical changes to become reservoirs of pathogens.. Identify the means by which poor oral care in the ICU can result in complications including pneumonia.. List recommended oral care interventions and associated evidence-based rationales. 1.0 Free CEUs
The New Clostridium difficile: Pathogenicity, Complications, and Prevention- Identify conditions that make C diff a successful pathogen. List complications associated with infections (CDI). Discuss reservoirs for nosocomial transmission. Describe best practices for transmission prevention. 1.0 Free CEUs
CDC Recommendations on Preventing VAP- Addresses the CDC recommendations for the known modifiable risk factorsfor VAP, back rest elevation, maintaining endotracheal tube cuff pressure, selection of endotracheal tube and placement, ventilator circuit care, de-contamination of oral flora, and minimizing sedation in the mechanically ventilated patient. Discuss the pathogenesis of VAP (Ventilator-associated Pneumonia). Describe the economic impact of diagnosing VAP in a patient. Identify the CDC recommended methods of VAP prevention. 2.0 Free CEUs
Roadmap to HAP & VAP: Neglecting Oral Care- Discuss prevalence and consequences of HAP & VAP. Describe how the mouths of critically ill patients undergo radical changes to become reservoirs of pathogens.. Identify the means by which poor oral care in the ICU can result in complications including pneumonia.. List recommended oral care interventions and associated evidence-based rationales. 1.0 Free CEUs
How New Technologies & Practices Will Impact Patient Safety– Identify the driving forces for patient safety in the future and list the AORN actions that address patient safety. Discuss the examples of future information technology from the presentation that improve healthcare practices and efficiencies. Describe how information technology can improve patient safety. 1.0 Free CEUs
Guiding Patients Through Decisions in Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF): The Respiratory Therapists' Role- Outline the prevalence, signs and symptoms, and diagnostic criteria for IPF. Compare and contrast available therapies for IPF. Formulate strategies for comprehensive management of symptoms. Effectively counsel IPF patients on available therapies and supportive care. Identify patients with IPF who may benefit from intensification of therapy. 1.0 Free CEUs |
Pain Management Module I: The Problem of Pain– State the definition of pain. Discuss barriers to care and misconceptions surrounding pain management. List three physiological complications to unrelieved and/or undertreated pain. Describe clinical assessment of pain. 1.0 Free CEUs Register for class (Registration code= SMCEALL)
Pain Management Module II: Pain Management Program– Name a strong opioid that has no active metabolites. Identify two adverse effects from PCA analgesia. Define PCA by proxy. List three benefits of Programmed Intermittent Bolus medication administration. Identify a way to prevent misconnections with Epidural medication administration. 1.0 Free CEUs Register for course (Registration code=SMCEALL)
In-Hospital Resuscitation:Early Intervention and Rescue- Rapid Response Systems:Consensus and Controversy- Of the more than 300,000 cardiac arrests that occur annually in the United States, survival rates are typically less than 10% for out-of-hospital events and less than 20% for in-hospital events. Additionally, studies have shown that survival falls by 10-15% for each minute of cardiac arrest without CPR delivery. The chain of survival, first conceptualized for out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest, applies to in-hospital arrest as well. Successful resuscitation requires early recognition of cardiopulmonary arrest, early activation of trained responders, early CPR, early defibrillation when indicated, and early advanced life support. Hospitals create through rapid response teams (RRT) a coordinated response to treating patients with a cardiopulmonary emergency. 1.5 Free CEUs +RN Link to Post test (#3)
Early Detection of Respiratory Depression– Define sedation and opioid-induced respiratory depression (RD). Discuss the current status of monitoring for RD. Discuss the impact of procedural sedation and analgesia in the incidence of respiratory depression. Describe the role of pulse oximetry, capnography, and pulmonary indices in detecting alveolar hypoventilation. 1.0 Free CEUs
Achieving Quality of Life on a Mechanical Ventilator- Effects of HRQoL on patients on Home Mechanical Ventilation (HMV). Treatment goals to improve quality of life (QOL). The unique challenges facing the HMV patient. Considerations for assessing invasive vs. noninvasive ventilation in terms of QOL measures. Advantages of portable vs. non-portable ventilation devices for the long term mechanical ventilation patient. 1.0 Free CEUs
Waste Anesthesia Gases in the Healthcare Environment: Risks and Prevention Strategies- Describe the health consequences from chronic low dose exposure to waste anesthetic gases. List the availability of scavenging to minimize exposures to waste anesthetic gases. Identify government agencies to contact and are responsible for establishing safe exposure limits to waste anesthetic gases. 1.0 Free CEUs
Pain Management Module II: Pain Management Program– Name a strong opioid that has no active metabolites. Identify two adverse effects from PCA analgesia. Define PCA by proxy. List three benefits of Programmed Intermittent Bolus medication administration. Identify a way to prevent misconnections with Epidural medication administration. 1.0 Free CEUs Register for course (Registration code=SMCEALL)
In-Hospital Resuscitation:Early Intervention and Rescue- Rapid Response Systems:Consensus and Controversy- Of the more than 300,000 cardiac arrests that occur annually in the United States, survival rates are typically less than 10% for out-of-hospital events and less than 20% for in-hospital events. Additionally, studies have shown that survival falls by 10-15% for each minute of cardiac arrest without CPR delivery. The chain of survival, first conceptualized for out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest, applies to in-hospital arrest as well. Successful resuscitation requires early recognition of cardiopulmonary arrest, early activation of trained responders, early CPR, early defibrillation when indicated, and early advanced life support. Hospitals create through rapid response teams (RRT) a coordinated response to treating patients with a cardiopulmonary emergency. 1.5 Free CEUs +RN Link to Post test (#3)
Early Detection of Respiratory Depression– Define sedation and opioid-induced respiratory depression (RD). Discuss the current status of monitoring for RD. Discuss the impact of procedural sedation and analgesia in the incidence of respiratory depression. Describe the role of pulse oximetry, capnography, and pulmonary indices in detecting alveolar hypoventilation. 1.0 Free CEUs
Achieving Quality of Life on a Mechanical Ventilator- Effects of HRQoL on patients on Home Mechanical Ventilation (HMV). Treatment goals to improve quality of life (QOL). The unique challenges facing the HMV patient. Considerations for assessing invasive vs. noninvasive ventilation in terms of QOL measures. Advantages of portable vs. non-portable ventilation devices for the long term mechanical ventilation patient. 1.0 Free CEUs
Waste Anesthesia Gases in the Healthcare Environment: Risks and Prevention Strategies- Describe the health consequences from chronic low dose exposure to waste anesthetic gases. List the availability of scavenging to minimize exposures to waste anesthetic gases. Identify government agencies to contact and are responsible for establishing safe exposure limits to waste anesthetic gases. 1.0 Free CEUs