Free CME & Continuing Medical Education for Physicians
The CME & Contact Hours You Need Today for Physician License Renewal
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Identifying the Pathway to Successful Patient Care: Practical Implementation of Incretin-Based Therapies in Type 2 Diabetes– Evaluate the benefits and risks of intensive glycemic control in T2D. Explain the rationale for incretin-based therapies. Compare and contrast the mechanism of action and modalities between GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors. Recognize and differentiate between the administration routes, efficacy, and potential nonglycemic benefits associated with GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors. Outline the safety considerations for GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors. Discuss the need for patient education regarding the use of GLP-1 receptor agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors. 1.5 Free AMA CME
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Featured Free CME of the Month NEW! Emerging Strategies in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease: Management of Non-Motor, Motor and Psychotic Symptoms- Incorporate approaches for accurate diagnosis and emerging therapies to improve non-motor and motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease. Evaluate the role of antipsychotic drugs in the management of patients with Parkinson's disease. 1.5 Free AMA CME
Terrorism, Preparedness, and Public Health: An Introduction- Describe the public health role in emergency response to a range of emergencies. Recognize unusual events that might indicate an emergency. Describe appropriate reactions to biological, chemical, and radiological events. Describe how the science of epidemiology is used in outbreak investigations. Defend the use of a predefined organizational structure (e.g., the Incident Command System) to assist in managing emergency events. 6.0 Free AMA CME (+RN)
New Developments in Multiple Myeloma Treatment- Apply and interpret cytogenetic, molecular, and other standard diagnostic and staging tests to define MM patient subsets. Distinguish between the indicated uses, mechanisms of action, depth and duration of clinical responses, and safety of current agents. Outline a treatment plan for newly diagnosed patients to achieve the deepest and most durable response while balancing the risk for toxicities. Outline a treatment plan for patients who have relapsed from or are refractory to their treatment. 1.25 Free AMA CME Where Are We with Suicide Prevention? Complete and document a suicide risk assessment for all patients with a mental health disorder. 1.0 Free AMA CME (expires 3/31/17) New Trends in Hemodynamics: Dynamic Assessments- Describe the risks of over- and under-resuscitation. Describe the present methods of fluid assessment. Describe the present methods of hemodynamic monitoring. Given patient cases, reason your approach to fluid management under various clinical circumstances. 1.0 Free AMA CME |
Applying Science to the Improved Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease- Describe the most current understanding of the pathophysiology of AD, including risk factors. Utilize current criteria for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD. Discuss the differential diagnosis of MCI and dementia based on individual patients. List the common biomarkers for diagnosing AD. Review criteria for the staging of AD dementia. Discuss current and emerging treatment options for AD. Implement best practices for managing comorbid conditions, and managing treatment expectations. 0.75 Free AMA CME (expires 4/1/17)
The Emerging Science of Prophylactic Therapies for Migraine- Illustrate how to factor multiple patient-specific characteristics into the treatment plan when managing migraines. Examine and discuss the emerging science associated with calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and their role in migraine prevention. Highlight strategies and tools to assess the impact of migraine on daily functioning and quality of life in order to generate a more personalized and inclusive treatment plan. 1.0 Free AMA CME
The Emerging Science of Prophylactic Therapies for Migraine- Illustrate how to factor multiple patient-specific characteristics into the treatment plan when managing migraines. Examine and discuss the emerging science associated with calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and their role in migraine prevention. Highlight strategies and tools to assess the impact of migraine on daily functioning and quality of life in order to generate a more personalized and inclusive treatment plan. 1.0 Free AMA CME